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100% on Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes


“It’s a hoot with a bit of heart, and if you can accept that the main character’s actions ultimately hurt nobody – with the possible exception of a few Pez executives – its fizzy pleasures and compact running time are easy to enjoy.”

— Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter

“The Pez Outlaw is odd: odd characters, odd story, and the oddest of sweet confections. It’s part character study, part corporate-espionage thriller, and part exposition of a very specific flavor of candy-coated nerds.”

— Rod Paddock, Austin Chronicle

“An unforgettable David vs. Goliath story.”

— Nick Allen,

“The Pez Outlaw has something for everyone. It’s a crime thriller, rom-com, family drama, corporate espionage flick. It is also a sincere and loving look into the Pez collecting community, which is full of the sweetest people imaginable. This is the kind of film you’d show to someone who doesn’t like documentaries to change their mind. It is that good and powerful.”

“The narrative takes so many absurd, implausible twists and turns that one would logically presume it was made up. But, the film is a documentary, one that will appeal to everyone.”

“The Pez Outlaw brilliantly brings all these seemingly disparate elements together via a tightly controlled tone and the greatest use of reenactments any documentary will ever see.”

— Bobby LePire, Film Threat

“The Pez Outlaw ends up being so quick, breezy, and fun, that it ultimately does its job and, unlike the chalky sweet Pez candy, never leaves a bad taste in our mouths.”

— Chris Evangelista, Slashfilm

“The Pez Outlaw’ Is a Delightful Story About Spies, Love, and Pez.”

“A delightful documentary about a collector turned smuggler.”

“A sPEZtacularly fun documentary that draws you in with good vibes, a lighthearted touch, and remarkable technical qualities.”

— Ricardo Gallegos, But Why Tho

“The Pez Outlaw touts all the tension and entertainment value of a more straight-laced heist yarn.”

“At once fascinating, troubling, and oft-hilarious, The Pez Outlaw offers a snappy 87-minute window into the extremes of collector culture.”

— Shaun Munro, Flickering Myth

“Charming lighthearted true crime thriller.”

“The documentary is a lighthearted story with a bumbling hero vibe.”

“It is a fun underdog story that is an important part of the story of Pez.”

— Nathaniel Muir, AIPT